Monday, June 1, 2009

My Weekend

This weekend was busy, stressful, and fun.

Started out with being able to see one of my dear friends get married.


On Sunday, I helped Hannah move. I am so excited for her, and for our plans for the end of the summer.....I will miss having her next door to me though :(

On Sunday evenings I have been attending a church with a few friends. Last night the pastor spoke on Psalms 23. He gave a new, deeper perspective to the popular verses. The one that jumped out to me was in verse 3: "He restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake." The Lord is my Shepherd in my immaturity and failure. He will restore my soul and lead me through the rut and into His way of righteousness. Restoration and maturity is not only for my sake, but for His. Christ's reputation is at stake. As a follower of Him, how I act, say and do represent Him.


A few of my jumbled, random thoughts from this weekend:

1. Working for a ministry does not make you holier.....God calls people to their own unique paths. This could mean being a pastor, politician or a farmer. This is something that has always gotten under my skin, Christians who think it is a sin or look down on other Christians for having a job in a secular field. They shy away from universities, politics, or the military because they think it is unholy. I want to follow what the Lord has for me, and if that means becoming a senator, wife/mother, secretary, or teacher, I will do it. The world is our mission field, and Christians are called to be a part of it. Christ was sent to this world to save the lost and to reach them right where they are at. I believe Christ has placed me exactly were He wants me....I just need to depend on Him and be willing to be used by Him.

2. Josh Groban's concert on PBS.

3. I cannot put my trust in a person or people. They will only let me down. Jesus Christ is the only one that I can fully trust. He is always there. He is my constant. He always keeps His word and never says anything He does not mean.

4. I need to work on my posture at work.

5. Beth Moore's summer Bible study.

6. I really want to try the new Mango Limeade at Sonic.



HR said...

I like it a lot, gorgeous girl! God is teaching you so much! And I can tell you're taking it to heart! I love you!

Leslie Shepherd said...

Beautiful! Simply simply tons of beautiful. I missed it! :( depressing