So, I was happy when Thursday night finally rolled around and I was able kick off an early weekend by taking a little road-trip. We stayed the night in a nice hotel, slept in late, watched old black-and-whites, spent the afternoon driving around in a beautiful national wildlife reserve, talking, getting lost and listening to music. Finished up by eating at a restaurant that is pretty famous in these parts. The sweet tea, freedom fries, cheeseburgers, and cherry cobbler with homemade ice-cream was pretty amazing.....the country music in the background helped too :)
Thoughts from this week:
*I am listening to a sermon by Mark Driscoll as I write this post. It is about God's grace. God has been revealing to me what I would be like without Him. I don't deserve God's love, His forgiveness, His redemption. I am nothing without Him. Without God's salvation, I am capable of all evil. It is only because of Jesus that I am a new creation. Being shown these truths and taking the steps to believe them has not been easy, but I am thankful that God has shown them to me. Oh, to be like Christ! To show His forgiveness and selfless love to others!
*For the past year and half I have been following Amy Wenzel's photography blog: I have admired her talent in writing and photography, as well as the love she shares with her husband, David. I went on her blog a few days ago and found out that her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I do not try to understand why God lets these things happen.....all I know is that He does allow them to happen, and it is for purposes far higher than my intelligence. God is truly mysterious, and He is continually drawing His children closer to Him. I am learning personally that if a hardship brings you closer to Christ it is all worth it in the end. I am praying for Amy and David, and know that the Lord will be glorified.
*God is a miraculous God.
*"You can never give another person that which you have found, but you can make him homesick for what you have." Oswald Chambers
*"Who I am and what I struggle with are not the same thing." From Jennifer Rothschild's, 'Me, Myself and Lies.' God is who defines me. My fears, my insecurities, and the lies that Satan throws at me do not. I am a new creation in Him. My old-self has died, and has been replaced with a life that is born in Christ.
*"He has made everything beautiful in its time....." Ecclesiastes 3:11a
Cheers to the start of another weekend!
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