Saturday, February 14, 2009


No, this is not what you think.
This is not another 'woe-is-me' Valentine’s Day post.
It is a Victory post. Comparable to the VE-Day of WWII.
I can honestly write, with a free conscience, that I am happy that I am single.

As my dad says, Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday, like Mother’s and Father’s Day, that was started by Hallmark to raise revenue. Valentine’s Day is something that should happen everyday, not only once year.
I think that is romantic.
But lets get back to the single part. I believe every girl has her own personal battles that are unique to her. Being single is not one of mine. I have other woes that are very real, difficult and just as hard as the battle of singleness. But they are my battles.
My heart goes out to every girl that does not think she is worthy because she is single. Having a boyfriend or a husband does not meet your needs. If you are not happy with yourself or your life before marriage, you definitely won’t after marriage. Guys are human, and it is impossible for them to meet every need in our lives.
As women, we have to become strong in ourselves, through Christ. Nothing else.
God can meet us at any place in our lives and give us Victory.
My advice to those whose personal battle is singleness, get busy and do something with your life! You won’t meet someone standing still, and being lazy is very unattractive.

One of my personal heroes in my life, is my sister Hannah. Like myself, one day she would like to be married. But it does not consume her. She stays busy and follows the Lord’s will. She has gone on countless mission trips in the world, has lived in Moscow, Russia on her own, volunteered for organizations, has her degree, and is currently working two jobs. She is amazing. She has Victory through Christ.

Now, to the eye-rolling people that do not believe that I enjoy being single, and think I am putting on a front to hide my lonely feelings, let me put your doubts to rest. I know I am not ready to be married, because I enjoy my freedom to much. I enjoy (wisely) spending my money how I please. I enjoy planning my future just for me. I enjoy worrying about only myself. I do not think this is wrong, I think it is God’s way of naturally telling me that I am not ready for the wonderful step of marriage.
God is sovereign, and He alone will tell me when it is time. But for now I embrace my Victory in Christ to follow Him alone until He leads someone to walk the path with me.

So, I guess this turned out to be a Valentine’s post after all! But I hope uplifting.
So now I am going to put on my leopard-print, heart-shaped earrings and red pea-coat and party anyway!

With all my heart, Happy Valentine’s Day!


Dionne said...

That is right! Your worth is in Christ, not another person!

I recently got married, but was happy with my singlehood before I got married too. I knew that God would give me a husband when it was the right time, and until then I shouldn't be consumed with worrying or looking. I am glad that you are excited about your singlehood and how God can use you!

Found your blog randomly, and loved this Valentine's post!

HR said...

Thanks for this post, Lid. It really encouraged me in a way it's hard to express. I love you and admire you and am so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

This was really great Lydia. I can say from personal experience that I had to come to a place of loving singleness and being honestly, completely, 100% ok with it before God blessed me with this next step in my life.

I think that it is a real testimony to other girls who see you that they can see your drive in life. You are not driven by a hope for marriage. I have asked several girls before.."So your goal is marriage, then what?" You said your self, it is not that you don’t want to get married, but it is true that people can be content and very happy with singleness. We have to have goals and aspirations beyond that. I know that you do and I admire you for it!