Saturday, January 31, 2009

A is the Letter of the Day

My Autobiography was accepted.

My journey....

My college journey began when I was sixteen, a junior in high school. Due to my sister’s success earning her degree through CLEP and DSST exams with Charter Oak State College (COSC), my parents thought that it would be wise for me to begin earning my college general education credits as I finished my high school courses. I have to admit I was not happy at the time, but as I look back four years later, I cannot thank my parents enough. Through hard work, perseverance, discipline and a flexible college like COSC, I am only a few months away from graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Science with a Business Administration concentration.

The CLEP Humanities was my first exam. It was a very positive, first testing experience and confirmed that it was possible to be self-motivated and earn college credits outside of the typical college classroom. I also discovered a joy of studying classical literature, history and art. I went on to take the CLEP American History I and II and American Literature exams. Studying for these three tests did not seem like work but instead broadened my view of America’s past and made me further appreciate my American heritage.

One of the early challenges that I had to face on my college path was the Biology CLEP. Science does not come easily for me and I was dreading biology. However, it was through this test that I learned not only to rely on a good study plan, but also to rely on God to help me pass a test. I successfully passed with a very good score. Another hurdle for me was my fear of public speaking. I had put off fulfilling this last general education requirement and decided to take the DSST Public Speaking test but failed. Failing to pass made me realize God wanted me to get over my fear of public speaking and sign up to take a public speaking course with my local community college. Even though the experience was terrifying for me at times, it drastically boosted my self-confidence. I learned how to persuade, inform and share with an audience topics and ideas that were important to me. It was an unforgettable experience and I passed with an A!

At the beginning of my second year of taking CLEP and DSST exams, I chose to pursue a concentration in Business Administration. I am extremely interested in fashion and want to pursue a career in management in the fashion industry. My first major exam was the CLEP Accounting test. This exam covered major foundational courses in my concentration of both financial and managerial accounting. Since CLEP or DSST did not provide a separate managerial accounting exam, my hopes were to pass this test, get the six credits and move on. It was not to be. I studied very hard for a month, but failed the test by one point. I was very disappointed, but my dad reminded me that sometimes you learn more by failing at something the first time and having to try again. He was right. Failing that exam, like failing the Public Speaking DSST, helped me grasp the course materials even more the second time around. I went on to pass the Financial Accounting DSST with a very high score and then took managerial accounting with my local community college and passed with an A in the class. Through failing that test, I continued to learn the lessons of picking myself back up and trying again after a failure, not worrying about the opinion of others, and finishing what I start. Later on I studied for another foundational course, the Human Resource Management Excelsior exam. I learned that employees are the single most important asset of a business and, without satisfied employees, a company cannot be successful. It taught me numerous methods of successfully managing people which will be a major component of my career and will benefit me greatly.

My experience with the foundational subjects of Macro and Microeconomics was just as interesting as the rest of my college journey. I passed the Macroeconomics exam easily and enjoyed learning about the big picture of supply and demand. The Microeconomics test was a different story. I studied for the test and felt very sure that I would pass it but I did not. This lead to more feelings of discouragement, but I pressed on and took Microeconomics at my community college. Again I saw how taking a course for a second time really helped me grasp the concepts better. Microeconomics was a hard course for me, but in the end I really understood the issues of economic growth, inflation, unemployment, taxation and national/ global economic policies.

The road of my college journey is almost finished! I am excited to start my Capstone course with COSC because of the opportunity this affords me to apply all I have learned pursuing my Business Administration concentration. I am very thankful and satisfied to be at the end of my college experience with only two electives remaining to complete the requirements for my degree. Looking back over the path of my college education, I have navigated many hurdles and difficulties but, without going down this path, I never would have learned the meaning and benefits of self-sacrifice, determination, discipline and the commitment required to meet my goals. I am so thankful to my Savior Jesus Christ and my parents for guiding me along this journey of becoming a strong, educated woman.

Thank you Mom and Hannah for proof-reading and giving suggestions.
I am already for graduation.


Here is something to make you smile.

Needless to say, Ruby hates Mom and I.



Amy said...

Oh Lid, I'm so proud of what you have accomplished thus far! You will do well in life with such determanation! I love you and I'm so excited for you that the end of school is very near!

Ruby is so cute in that lol

HR said...

Congrats, Lid! Graduation will be here before you know it!

Ruby is hysterical. Good grief. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you Lydia! What a wonderful accomplishment! You need to have a graduation party when you are done! Or at least us girls need to go out and celebrate! :)

L.s.R said...

Of course, I'm going to PARTY! I've been thinking about what I want to do! :)