Monday, January 26, 2009

Kiss the Hand, Touch the Sky

During this icy night I am watching the second installment of the Lord of the Rings.

Someday I will visit New Zealand and go on the LOTR Tour.

I am not kidding, I will.

One of the best themes of LOTR is how to deal with difficult times. When your life becomes hard it does not mean it is right for you to give up. Every decision in your life means something, whether big or small. How will you deal with hard choices? Will you give up, do nothing, or make excuses because it is too scary to make the decisions? Or will you persevere, and try different options, other alternatives?

Will you at least try?

In 2008, I learned all good things in life take effort.
It is what I want to live out in 2009.
I had to make choices in 2008 that were very difficult, and some of them not popular with everyone in my life. Those decisions took a lot of effort physically, mentally and spiritually. But those hard times have led to exciting ones. God never promised that this life would always be in our 'comfort-zone.' He said it would be hard, but He would be with us every step of the way.

I think this will be my summer hair-color for 2009. No highlights, just a solid, sunny blond.
Yummy, summery hair!


I passed my final for Western Civilization today. I am so thankful to God for orchestrating it. It was only because of Him I was able to get an earlier appointment before the ice came, and that I passed with a very good score. I now am turning towards Western Civ. 2.

I think I have gotten senioritis.

My Capstone course is still going well. I am working on my first team project. Next week I will be leading my team on our next assignment. So far this class as been a lot of fun, interacting and collaborating with classmates.


I have started reading The Mayflower. It is the start to finishing one of my goals before I die. I want to read one book about every war America has been apart of, and this book covers a few early wars.

I love history!

Later tonight I will probably watch 24. Hannah, has gotten me hooked. LOST is still my favorite, but 24 is good. Funny, how every lead is named Jack. Why?



HR said...

Excellent, Lid. These truths are SO needed! There is an epidemic among Christians today that can only be stopped by embracing the reality of what you wrote. I'm proud of you and how hard you'gev worked - that you had the courage to step out and the courage to continue. I am so excited that you are soon-to-be graduated and taking the next step in the adventure of life! You are a wonderful example for those around you@

I love you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Hannah, Lydia. She and I were actually talking about and issue that I would dare say is what you are trying to touch on as well. It is not easy to keep pressing on and doing something. Probably because it involves risk, but also because sometimes it is hard to see where we are going. I have learned to keep going and pressing on though through whatever door may open until God clearly closes it. He does not play guessing games with us: "Is this what I really should do", "Is He REALLY calling me here". Sometimes we don't know for sure, but we must press on until He directs elsewhere. Thank you for this... (THAT was a long comment.)

L.s.R said...

Thank you, Han and Lo! I love you both, and am so happy you are my friends (and sister)! In your lives I see Christ, determination and resolve. Thank you for your support!

~mirage noel~ said...

If you go to New Zealand I am totally hiding in your suitcase :)