With the new year brought new goals, challenges and beginnings.
I have officially started training for the Marathon coming up this April. I will be walking and running 26.2 miles. I am very excited because I will be able to mark it off my list of "Things to do before I die."
My world right now is full of Mesopotamia, Byzantine, Rome, England, emperors and sultans, kings and queens, Visigoths, Gauls, Constantinople, Pope Gregory III, and ect..ect...ect...yes, if you have not guessed by now, I am in the middle of my Western Civilization course. I love it, and I know if I had had all the money and time in the world (and God's consent) I would have majored in history and would have become a famous archaeologist. Alas........
I am taking 12 credit hours for my last semester, and am in the middle of writing my autobio which has to be approved before I can graduate. Writing is not one of my strong points. Needless to say, it will be boring.
I started not feeling well on Saturday afternoon. I was busy studying away at my little desk on the above-said-subject, when I felt my calves start hurting and nausea and cold chills hit me. My neck, arms, calves, and stomach all hurt. The odd thing about it is that I am soooooo ravenous! I have these weird, pregnancy-like cravings! Cupcakes, brownies and ice-cream, hamburgers, cheese-fries (yes, you are all laughing now!), chicken soup, and french toast was my diet for this weekend. Now, before you think I am making up this illness, the rest of my family has already gone through it. Hannah has eaten faster than I have ever seen her since her Russia days (ha!) and it is hilarious to see her scarfing down her food! Boy, will she hate me!
Note: those that know Hannah, know that she eats SUPER slow, and is SUPER tiny! She can afford it!
Personally, I feel like a fat, chubby, big blob right now!
Did I mention that I was training for a marathon? Dang it!
Monday will be a new day!
lol you crack me up! And yes Hannah is going to kill you! lol
ya, I guess it wasn't very smart...she knows where I sleep!
I won't kill you...I'll just get even ;) You're.funny.too.
haha... props to you and Hannah both on your posting! They were both too funny! I love how you ended saying "dang it". I don't know why but it really made me laugh. It was almost like you had just realized... :)
I luv you Lauren!
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