Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One more thing to check off my list.........

Ever since I was little (around 4 years old) I have had this mental list of life experiences that I was terrified about. Don't ask me why, at 4 years old, that I knew about all these things, but I can pretty much remember the day that the thought suddenly struck me that I was more than likely going to have to experience each one of these world-turning events.
I remembering thinking in my little heart, that once I have successfully passed these I would be a 'grown-up'!
Well, last week I was able to check off the second-to-the-last item on my "terrified list".
This is the entire list, in order of scariness.
****Notice that public speaking is right before giving birth.

1. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled
2. Starting my first job
3. Taking my driver's test
4. Taking a college public speaking course
5. Giving birth

Yes, I was that terrified of it. Actually, I learned in the class, that 90% of American citizens are more afraid of giving a speech than dieing.
Okay, I was not that terrified (hey, at least when I die I get to be with Jesus ;) but I am certainly glad that it is over with.
I feel free!
The only thing I have yet to cross of this list, is giving birth, and that will be a ways down the road.....hehehe
But I've realized looking at the 4 things that I have accomplished, and have been terrified about since I was 4 years old, that they were really not that bad.
In fact, each one of those things were stepping stones in my life, where God was able to prove Himself to me in a bigger and newer way, where He was able to show me that He was more powerful than my fears.

That alone made the fear, apprehension and uncertainly all worth it.


P.s. It is 9:52 pm in London right now *sigh*


~mirage noel~ said...

public speaking is very scary, even after Character First...lol
good job Lydia!
be free

Unknown said...

hey good post, that is really funny

Leslie Shepherd said...

Lid, you make me luagh! :D But about the giving birth one.....I am MORE than terrified of that too! I joke to Sam about having some kind of magic remote where I can fast forward JUST that part of life! :D I'll take all other good and bad! *grins*

HR said...

This is great, Lid. Brought a smile to my day...