Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A job is for today, but a career is for tomorrow.....

Have you realized that there is a difference between a job and career?
A job is obtained mainly to earn money, while a career is a pursuit of a certain profession to receive occupational growth.
I personally never thought there was a difference between the two. But there is.
It got me thinking.
Why do I want a career?
I want the life that Christ has given me to matter, and I don’t want to sit around and waste it.
I see girls, waiting around and doing nothing of importance with their lives because they are waiting for a guy to marry them. I am not interested in this.
Don’t get me wrong, I want to get married. I want it more than a career, but I cannot wait around for it. Girls, have to understand that marriage will not give them a purpose.
Marriage will not fill the void in your life…… will still be searching, even after you are married.
Our sole purpose should be glorifying Christ. And if He leads us to get married and have a family at a younger age, so be it. However, a girl cannot say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they KNOW they are going to get married. They don’t know the day, the time, and the year the special someone will come into their lives. We have to stay busy in the mean time.
It is because of this, girls have to find a purpose outside of marriage.
Everyone’s path is different, but everyone has one.
I get frustrated when I see people wasting time. I understand waiting on the Lord, and asking him for a direction in your life, should be the first, and most important, stepping stone.
However, I also believe in the theory,
“If God closes a door, he will open a window.”
I think sometimes, you just need to start doing something with your life. Go in the direction you feel a calling, and if something happens that prevents you, take this as a sign from God that he doesn’t want you to do it, and from there move to the next option.
I believe God is a God of action.
Don' let fear of the unknown, and failure stop you from doing something with your only live once. I have failed many times throughout my 4 years of college.
Just start doing something with your life!
Two years after high school graduation is going to turn into 5 years before you know it!
This is something I have been frustrated about for a while, so I am sending my message out into cyberspace.......


Unknown said...

hey good post

Anonymous said...

Amen! I realized this about 1 1/2 years ago. Granted...I now have a guy but I also have a career that is preparing me for what I want to ultimately do, which is be on the mission field. I think a good thing about getting out there and doing something is that it helps you realize what you love and what you want to do. I think that the guy for you will be able to help you accomplish your dreams. I always used to say, "I am going to do something! I am not going to sit around knitting, waiting for the right guy to come!" Good post Lydia.

L.s.R said...

Thanks, Lo!
I always have respect you in staying busy about the Lord's work! (Even if you do have a guy now!) ;)