Thursday, July 31, 2008
I've always wanted a soundtrack to go with my life....
(It is at the very bottom, with a few of my favs!)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
One more thing to check off my list.........
I remembering thinking in my little heart, that once I have successfully passed these I would be a 'grown-up'!
Well, last week I was able to check off the second-to-the-last item on my "terrified list".
This is the entire list, in order of scariness.
****Notice that public speaking is right before giving birth.
1. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled
2. Starting my first job
3. Taking my driver's test
4. Taking a college public speaking course
5. Giving birth
Yes, I was that terrified of it. Actually, I learned in the class, that 90% of American citizens are more afraid of giving a speech than dieing.
Okay, I was not that terrified (hey, at least when I die I get to be with Jesus ;) but I am certainly glad that it is over with.
I feel free!
The only thing I have yet to cross of this list, is giving birth, and that will be a ways down the road.....hehehe
But I've realized looking at the 4 things that I have accomplished, and have been terrified about since I was 4 years old, that they were really not that bad.
In fact, each one of those things were stepping stones in my life, where God was able to prove Himself to me in a bigger and newer way, where He was able to show me that He was more powerful than my fears.
That alone made the fear, apprehension and uncertainly all worth it.
P.s. It is 9:52 pm in London right now *sigh*
Sunday, July 27, 2008
My Weekend
I was able to spend a lot of time alone and got many things accomplished!

.....after full-front view.....

...... after side angle
I am very proud of my wall-papering job. I like showing off my best shoes too and having the inspiration on the walls.
I watered the plants in the front and backyard, twice a day, for the entire week. I really enjoyed it! Now I have the fruit of my labors on my desk.
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A job is for today, but a career is for tomorrow.....
A job is obtained mainly to earn money, while a career is a pursuit of a certain profession to receive occupational growth.
I personally never thought there was a difference between the two. But there is.
It got me thinking.
Why do I want a career?
I want the life that Christ has given me to matter, and I don’t want to sit around and waste it.
I see girls, waiting around and doing nothing of importance with their lives because they are waiting for a guy to marry them. I am not interested in this.
Don’t get me wrong, I want to get married. I want it more than a career, but I cannot wait around for it. Girls, have to understand that marriage will not give them a purpose.
Marriage will not fill the void in your life…… will still be searching, even after you are married.
Our sole purpose should be glorifying Christ. And if He leads us to get married and have a family at a younger age, so be it. However, a girl cannot say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they KNOW they are going to get married. They don’t know the day, the time, and the year the special someone will come into their lives. We have to stay busy in the mean time.
It is because of this, girls have to find a purpose outside of marriage.
Everyone’s path is different, but everyone has one.
I get frustrated when I see people wasting time. I understand waiting on the Lord, and asking him for a direction in your life, should be the first, and most important, stepping stone.
However, I also believe in the theory,
Just start doing something with your life!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My Weekend
Started off the weekend going to see the Dark Knight. Very good movie! We were able to sit four rows back from the screen. It was a lot of fun, but my neck was a little sore the next morning.

On Saturday, I went to work, and it was uneventful. So today is Sunday, and we are just hanging out and will prob. swim. So starts the beginning of the my last week of classes! Yipee! I am already nervous about my last speech, because we have to use presentation aids, but I am excited to get it over with! Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Night at the Theater....

Whitney and I
Well, now the weekend is over, but it was a lot of fun! We should do it again soon, girls! Now, I start the last full week of classes! I am soooooooooooooo happy!
P.S. I L-O-V-E my new camera! If you are looking to get a new one, check out the Canon PowerShot, it is great!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Phantom of the Opera

.............Wow, that seems forever hair was so dark!