I started Fundamentals of Counseling. Interesting.
Have only one more class and then Christmas Break!
Shopped at Target.
Got my Hair Done.

Last couple of weeks, I really wanted to do something drastic, like get a platinum bob (kidding!). But I did want something different. Well, I talked myself out of cutting it short and settled for only adding dark low lights. My hairstylist is uh-mazing! She did a new technique, and dyed the strip of hair around my face a dark brown, and then weaved it in through the rest of my hair. I really like it, even though it is not a HUGE change, I feel updated! And the head massage felt awesome!
Also, if you are looking for a new hair product, get Aveda's Hair Potion, it rocks my face off! It is a light powder that adds texture to hair. My hair is really thin, and it made it THICK! It is worth the price!
Okay, enough about hair!
I really like your hair. Oh, I actually picked the background you have for my blog, than went and looked at everyone else's and changed it lol. Great minds ;)
be free
Hah! That is funny!
Love the hair ;)
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