Monday, November 3, 2008

:A Good Day:

Today I took and passed my Psychology final.

I am done with psychoanalysis.
I am done with Freud.
I am done memorizing the parts of the brain.
I am done having to study abnormal psychology.
I am done!!

I had a Reese peanut-butter shake to celebrate on my way home!

I have a ritual every time I pass a test, as soon as I get home, I throw away all my study notes.
I had 22 pages of notes for Psychology, as well as 5 pages of diagrams that I had drawn.

I was able to read tonight. And it was a book that I wanted to read. Not a text-book.

While I am studying for a test, I have a tendency to let my bedroom fall to the way-side. My closet has been in a mess for the past 2 weeks, and I haven't dusted either. So tonight I watched the first season of Avonlea, and drank tea while I reorganized, reironed, restraighted, and redusted everything in my room.
I feel a lot better.

So, I start the cycle all over again tomorrow.
Except this time it is Human Growth and Development.

Ah, well, it is all worth it in the end.
This month marks 7 months until I have my
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
Just writing that gives me goosebumps!

Vote McCain/Palin tomorrow!

1 comment:

HR said...

Congrats, Lid! Keep up the good work! Love ya!