Saturday, November 8, 2008

If I Had a Time Machine....

Has this ever happened to you? You are driving, walking, or simply sitting still, and you are suddenly transported back into your past. Maybe it was something about the shadows on the wall, or a scent, or a voice.

This happened to me today. I was driving home from work. The sun was setting behind me, as I drove down a back-road towards home. I was driving past a field, and suddenly I wasn't on Anders Road, but was sitting behind Dad in our old Audi. I was 6 years old. Dad was driving, Mom was sitting beside him. Hannah was sitting next to me, the foam armrest laying down between us, the one we always fought over when we got sleepy. We were driving home from Salina, Colorado.
The first couple of years we lived in Colorado, we made it a tradition of going to Salina for a day, a couple weeks before Christmas. We would leave early and drive all morning until we came into town, and ate at Grandma's Kitchen for lunch. I remember the rotating refrigerator with slices of pie. After lunch, I don't remember what we would do, but we would end the day by shopping at Wal-mart. Just for the record, I don't like today's Wal-marts. But I liked the old Wal-marts, the 'un-super' Wal-marts. Mom and Dad would send us to another part of the store, and they would buy our Christmas presents. They wouldn't let us look at the cart as we walked to the car, and made us look straight-ahead in our seats as they loaded everything in the trunk. I remember the drive home, and I think we went by a field with the sun setting on it, just like the field I pasted today.

I think it is amazing how our minds can be triggered like that. Psychologists would say it is a stimuli that makes our minds recall something in our long-term memory, but I know God created deja-vu moments for a reason. He brings them to remembrance at the perfect moment, when we need it the most. Whether it was pleasant or hard, I think there is a reason for a resurfacing memory. Maybe to praise Him for wonderful memories, or thank Him for what He taught you in a difficult time. Either way, I am thankful for the trip down memory lane. To remember vividly, the excitment of being little and with my family and only caring about that hour, that minute was great!

Now I sit in reality. Twenty-years-old and a college senior. I have my whole life a head of me, even though it feels like it is passing me by sometimes, I am excited. I was reminded while I was driving today, that I have to seize this moment, now. I have to let each moment count, to never be afraid of the future and the unknown, and to not live in the past.

How are we suppose to make memories if we are always living in one?

My prayer for me, and you, is that we ask the Lord fearlessly to use us in every possible way that He can. Even in ways that we did not think possible.
Right now in my life, I feel that I am caught in limbo. Like I am on the verge of something new and great, at least for me.

But I must be patient and walk in the Lord. Not behind, in front, or beside.

But IN Him.



~mirage noel~ said...

Good thoughts Lydia. Thanks for sharing :)
be free

Unknown said...

that was really good, thanks for letting us take a peek into your past. Love ya