*On Friday, I finished studying at 10am and Amy came over right before lunch! Sorry, that I didn't get any pics, I forgot. We had a great time catching up. It was a perfect day to sit outside under the umbrella, eat and swim. We had chicken salad for lunch and a really good puff pastry with strawberries and homemade whipping cream for dessert. I can't believe that her and Jon have been married almost a year! It is crazy how fast my life is going.
*Saturday went great at the Bakery. We were running around like chickens with our heads cut off at some points. Between having to make two trips to the gas station to get the delivery van running and an event planner that wanted the most expensive cake possible for an oil tycoons' daughter who was turning 16 (they are having the Jonas Brothers playing at the party *sigh*), we were really busy! That night, I got home and went on my 3 mile walk. I walk a total of 36 miles a week. I want to walk a marathon someday, and was disappointed when I found out that Memorial Marathon does not allow walkers do the full marathon, just the half. Oh, well, someday I will do it. It is REALLY hot out! I feel so much better after I do it, though. After getting home and taking a shower, we had dinner and watched The Quiet Man. That is one of my favorite John Wayne's. I love him so much!
* Today, we went to the late service at church, and then came home. While Hannah and Mom got in the pool, Dad and I ran out to Braums and got ice cream, and then he and I walked together. I enjoy walking with Dad, we always seem to talk about what we want to do, our dreams. I like doing that. Well, the pics below are from today....

Me, taking those stupid 'profile pic' shots :)

Finally, to finish this novel :), I have started a new Bible study about Bible personalities. So far, I have studied Jacob and Moses. I have found a lot of new insights about them. I now am studying Samuel. I liked this prologue about him.
I hope you all had a great weekend! Have a great week!
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