I like bubbles, chocolate, make-up, blue eyes, mini dachshunds, looking at pictures, Instyle, diet blackberry sprite, cake decorating, drawing, listening to music, Forever 21, dried cherries and crasins, all the seasons. I like “Pocket Full of Sunshine.”
I believe in Christ, in love, that exercising makes you feel better, that someday I will live in London. I believe in jeans that ‘fit-you-to-a-T.’
I am young, shy around people I don’t know, confident in Christ, tall, unorganized, sarcastic at times, a planner. I am good at making cookies.
I have a passion for shoes with heels higher than 3'', the coolest parents, and a 6th sense.
I hope in true love, that I can make a difference and that I can see the Holy Land. I hope someday to have a maid.
I remember our Christmas cabin in Allenspark, CO; The 2-day flight to Italy, watching the 2000 Super Bowl in the Azores, going to the Grand ‘Ole Opry, feeling the Eiffel Tower sway, getting my driver’s license, cleaning houses with the Ruckels, Camp Roth, seeing Phantom of the Opera in London, and cross-country skiing on Christmas Day in Oberammergau, Germany. I remember the Blizzard of ’99.
I love traveling, Colorado, Burberry London Perfume, Johnny Depp, my family, London, Bella Zoe and Ruby Sinatra, to walk, café sitting, Christmas, bright bikinis, rainy days, my birthday, fashion, shopping, diamonds, watching movies, BMWs and reading. I love peanut-butter-chocolate-chip-cookie-dough cheese cake from the Cheesecake Factory.
I don’t want to be discontent, mediocre, or judgmental.
I wish to be on vacation, I had money to go shopping and that I could drink orange ice tea on the Isle of Capri again. I wish to relive some of my favorite memories.
I strive to have ambitions, to live my life to the fullest. I strive to follow God’s will.
I forget to go to Christ first when I am in trouble, that Frank Sinatra is dead, to brush my teeth, not to slouch, and to journal. I forget to drink water.
I try to be less negative, think the best of everyone, not to make snap judgments. I try to not beat myself up for eating dessert.
I need a bubble bath, pedicure, a new hair style and aviators. I need a change of scenery.
I think David Cook is hot, Michael Buble is right up there and Josh Groban looks like a cute, impish elf.
I want to be done with college, to own a Beamer, to dress up and have cocktails at Nonna’s, and to go to NYC for New Year’s Eve. I want to learn Italian.
I will be finished with college in 10 months, walk a marathon, take ball-room dance, see an Indian pow-wow, ride in a hot air balloon, build a house. I will see the Great Pyramids.
Most of all….I am beyond-grateful for the country and family that God put me in and the experiences that He has allowed me to enjoy. Most of all I desire to see what He has next for me.

Cute! I always like things like this! I also fully agree that David Cook is hot!
Thanks Lo! You should do it too!
It was a lot of fun!
This was great, Lid...especially the part about having a maid:)
I actually did one! It is a few posts ago. I just didn't keep it up long because the very next day I was engaged and of course I HAD to post about that.
I just read it! Very cool!
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