Friday, September 19, 2008

:My Update:

Sorry, about not updating regularly, Whitney ;) I am on my self-given 15 minute break from studying so I will make you happy!
I have been quite busy. I had a very, restful time in Colorado, but it seemed the moment I crossed back into Oklahoma I became busy again!

*I started Human Resource Management course which will end the first of October, so I have been studying 6-8 hours a day, 5 days a week! I am so excited to be almost done with college!

*I got a cold....don't ask me why this adds to my busyness, but it feels like it! It has kicked me off of my regular schedule of walking and running, and it makes it five-billion times harder to study. I need all the brain power I can get.

*Been busy looking into is hard to find time to do this. Oklahoma has zippo opportunities for careers (at least the field that I am looking at) so I have been mentally preparing myself for moving to a new state on my own. I believe I am ready! It will be exciting!

*And then of course my regular work schedule between my two jobs. Thank you Lord, for both of them, and providing everything I need and then some....

My 15 minutes are almost up, but before I leave you, I want to tell Lauren M., Noel, Whitney and Morgan that I am praying for you......

~Lauren, I know what you are going through in moving to a new place, and trying to fit in and find new friends, I will be praying that the Lord will meet you where you are at and will provide everything for you and your family. :)
~Noel, I enjoy reading your blog. I love your honesty, and not being afraid to say that you are having a bad day. I will pray that the Lord will reveal His will for your life and give you direction in your day to day routine.
~Whitney, I love you! The Lord will provide everything you need, and will send you the desires of your heart! I will pray that He will bring wonderful opportunities your way.
~Morgan, I love you! I am proud of you for actively seeking God's will. I know what it feels like to be unsure about what to do. God is teaching you so much, and I know that He will show you His will. I will be praying for you! Just keep seeking Him.
God bless you all! :)


Unknown said...

thanks lid so much, you have no idea how that blessed me. I really have been feelin down, and that made me feel better. Thanks and I love you too.

Lauren said...

Awww, that was so nice of you, Lydia! That made my day; it's nice to know people are praying for me! I'll keep you in my prayers too as you are considering an out-of-state move also.