Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Holding Onto My Plans Loosely

I love making plans.
I make plans about everything: my daily routine, my month, trips I want to take, my college schedule, my future. I get wholly wrapped up in the process. I love sitting down with my calender and my post-it notes and making lists and figuring out how everything will work.
I am not an organized person, but when it comes to making lists and planning events I love it and am good at it.
I didn't realize it, but it became an obsession. I noticed, about a week ago that with my school plans, I get extremely irritated if something gets out of line. One little deviation ruined my whole day, and made me start to worry about the rest of my schedule.
I become worried that if I missed that one thing, then nothing else will pan out.
I was trusting in my own strength, and relying on my own plans and ideas.
Right now, in my Bible study, I am working through a book by Beth Moore on the life of Paul.
I was reading the part in Acts 16 where Paul was going to enter Asia to preach,
but the Holy Spirit blocked the way.
Beth Moore noted, " I don't believe God intended for Paul, Silas, and Timothy to travel haphazardly through the countryside. Paul was a very intelligent man.
He probably formulated an itinerary just like most of us would, but he kept his plans open just in case God had different ideas."
She then went on to say that we can make plans, but we have to hold on to them loosely. I was convicted by what she said.
All the time I formulate my own ideas for my life, and how I should go about it. I think it is the best there is for me. But I forget that I can make my plans, but I have to let God approve of them. If he is leading me in a new, different direction, or plans are not working how I wanted them to, I have to trust that God's plan for my life is bigger and better than anything I could ever imagine for myself.


Unknown said...

Hey lid that was really good. I have struggled with that before, and I still do sometimes. Thanks for the reminder and encourager. Love you lots.

HR said...

Excellent thoughts, Lid! Thanks for sharing!!